Monday, April 26, 2010

Big Picture

There are many aborigines in the world one is in the amazon which are similar to aborigines. These people are the natives of our places. And also considered as tribes.
The image is the migration route.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Many of the Australian civilians are now trying to give back to the Aborigines. They have given them citizenship and funding to help purchase some of their native land. The government has also helped them overcome discrimination and they have expanded their health care.


The situation for the Aborigines has been consistentley bad. These people have been second class citizens for hundreds of years. Todays concern is their health. The Native people have had a deep respect for nature. They were known as the nomadic herders and hunters. The Aborigines work longer hours with much harder work and get paid less than the other people. They live in poverty and have limited access to health care and other necesities. As government goes with them, the people used to govern them selves, but now the Europeans have come.

  • Their past has not been good.
  • Concern for their health.
  • They work too long and they earn too small of a salary.
  • They live in very harsh poverty.


In the 1700's the Aborigines came to Australia. About 50 years later, the Europeans colonized Australia. They killed many natives with weapons and the diseases they brought with them. In 1787, the British brought over the first group of prisoners form India. Later on in the 1960's, there were legal apeals for Aborigine rights. They have been given back many of their writes, butthe native people have died over the years. Now they are at peace with the Europeans.

  • The Aborigines came to Australia in the 1700's.
  • The British brought over the first group of prisoners in 1787.
  • In the 1960's, the Aborigines set up apeals for there rights.


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It is occouring in the northern Australia about aborigines treatment, about their health and also the killing done by the white from their dieases and their weapons.The land is tropical dry and a wet climate in the north and semiarid in thwe south . The people live in tribes upto 250 people.
The aborigines people in Australia lived at the tip of orange, yellow an d purple territory.


The indegenous people of Australia are refrered to as aborigines. these people had came from southeast to the shore of australia around 1700s and then the Europeans came first in 1800s to Australia.The aborigines came to Australia by sailing and they have been stuck since the land connecting washed over and sank.
This video is about what the aborigines do,where they live and how they survive.

Created by: Matty Anderson and Nuresh Maknojia